Photogrammetry 1: PhotoModeler and SynthEyes for Forensic Video Analysis

Course Overview:

Photogrammetry is the science of extracting measurements from photographs. These methods can be used in video analysis to aid an analyst in determining critical object/evidence positions, subject height determinations, speed calculations or determinations for use of force cases. This course explores the appropriate use of PhotoModeler and SynthEyes for the purposes of tracking stationary and moving cameras. It will also introduce students to foundational concepts of photogrammetry and the high-level workings of these programs, so they can defend their analysis against scrutiny.

Testing Metric:

  • Class Participation 5%
  • PhotoModeler Suspect Height Determination 30%
  • SynthEyes Moving Camera Determination 35%
  • Multiple Choice/True-False Quiz 30%

Students will be required to pass all facets of the course in order to achieve a passing grade. Class participation and attendance is mandatory. If a student cannot attend part of the training or hands on instruction, approval must be obtained from the instructor. That student will still be responsible for learning on class work taught during the hours that have been missed, in order to gain full credit for the course.

Assignment Marking Metrics:


Students will achieve full participation marks for attendance, and participating in questions and discussions/helping their fellow students.

PhotoModeler Suspect Height Determination

50% of the mark will be given for the correct range of heights determined, 50% of the mark will be given for appropriate residual error values achieved.

SynthEyes Moving Camera Determination

10% of the mark will be given for appropriate lens distortion techniques. 70% of the mark will be given for tracking appropriate features that will allow for a solve. 10% of the mark will be given for correct camera motion solve. 5% of the mark will be given for an appropriate low HPIX (residual error) output. 5% of the mark will be given for inserting a ground-plane and verifying the results.


Testing comprises a combined 75 multiple choice or true/false questions. Students will have two hours to complete the quiz online. It is open book/open notes. A passing grade of 70% must be achieved.

Course Schedule:

  • Day 1: Introduction, History, Theory, and Legal Aspects
  • Day 2: Hands-on Learning – Amped FIVE & PhotoModeler
  • Day 3: Hands-on Learning – PhotoModeler & SynthEyes (Part 1)
  • Day 4: Hands-on Learning – SynthEyes (Part 2)
  • Day 5: Examination and Assessment


LEVA membership is not required to attend training classes.

This is a more advanced level course that will require computer literacy, and foundational knowledge from LEVA 1 and LEVA 2. It is not recommended for students who are not pursuing their Analyst certification. Students without the required prerequisites may still attend with special authorization from the instructor, upon a review of past experience and the successful completion of a questionnaire.

Instructor Bios:

Nishan Perera (Instructor) – Nishan Perera is a Senior Associate with the Collision Reconstruction and Digital Media Analysis teams at 30 Forensic Engineering and a registered professional engineer in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, holding a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Automotive Engineering. He is also a Certified Forensic Video Analyst (CFVA) through the Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA) and is specialized in the forensic video analysis of CCTV, cell phone, and dashboard camera footage. In addition, Nishan’s aptitude extends into the application of photogrammetric techniques to extract measurements and locations of objects from photographs. He has been involved in conducting vehicle examinations and extracting ‘Black Box’ Data, as well as the investigation of over 500 collisions involving heavy trucks, automobiles, motorcycles, and pedestrians.

Greg Prentice (Lab Tech) – Mr. Greg Prentice is an Associate with the Collision Reconstruction and Digital Media Analysis teams at 30 Forensic Engineering. He graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical) in 2015. He joined 30 Forensic Engineering in 2021 after six years working in the industry specializing in motor vehicle collision and accident reconstruction along with biomechanical investigations. Greg is a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario and is a member of the Canadian Association of Technical Accident Investigators and Reconstructionists (CATAIR) and is a LEVA Certified Forensic Video Technician.

Harrison Griffiths (Lab Tech) – Mr. Harrison Griffiths is a Senior Associate with the Collision Reconstruction group at 30 Forensic Engineering. He joined 30 Forensic Engineering in November 2015 and has since developed investigation expertise in relation to motor vehicle collisions and accident reconstructions of various types. Harrison has cultivated his knowledge of extracting electronic vehicle data and has conducted several comparative experimental reconstruction tests. He graduated from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Science and Engineering (Mechanical) in 2012. Harrison is recognized as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, is a LEVA Certified Forensic Video Technician, and a Certified Fire & Explosion and Vehicle Fire Investigator.

Software and Equipment:

Hardware/ Software Requirements

Credits and Certificate:

Graduates of the course receive a LEVA certificate indicating successful completion of the 40-hour curriculum. That certificate should NOT be interpreted as a certification of any type. Registering for any LEVA class indicates they fully understand they are not receiving certification from any one LEVA course and must refer to this training as LEVA’s on their resume, CV, or any discoverable document. This class is not conducted to officially endorse any product or service.

Additional Information:

Contact Troy Lawrence, LEVA Executive Director,

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