
Online Application & Renewal

For additional information feel free to contact Susan Krawczyk, LEVA Executive Secretary at

ALL LEVA CFVAs and CFVTs must maintain a yearly concurrent membership as a requirement of certification. Failure to maintain an active membership may result in a suspension of the certification and potential revocation. IF your membership expired prior to the current year, please contact LEVA’s Executive Secretary Susan Krawczyk before processing your membership renewal online.

New Members

Apply for LEVA membership securely online. Simply click the Sign-Up button for any of the member categories below.

Membership Renewal

To renew your LEVA Membership log in to your account. If your membership has expired you will see the link “Renew Membership”.  

If your membership has not expired but you wish to renew your membership early, contact Susan Krawczyk and request an invoice for processing.

PLEASE NOTE: Agencies with 4 or more members to renew need to contact LEVA Executive Secretary Susan Krawczyk

Membership Subscription Plans

Public Safety Member

Public Safety Individual Membership. $55


1) An active member of any federal, state, provincial, regional, or local government agency that:

a) provides law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety services; or,

b) provides training to law enforcement, fire, emergency medical or other public safety personnel; and utilizes the video medium and/or technology in the performance of their duties.

2) Any active duty or civilian personnel of a recognized military agency who utilizes the video medium and/or technology in the performance of their duties.

3) An active member of any federal, state, provincial, regional, or local government agency that is an oversight or regulatory agency establishing law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety personnel training standards.

4) A member of any not-for-profit organization under contract or cooperative agreement with a qualifying government agency to provide training to law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety personnel, and utilizes the video medium and/or technology in the performance of their duties.

Associate Member

Associate Individual Membership. $75


An Associate member may be any individual not qualifying for membership under the Public Safety categories, whose experience, professional or educational credentials, organizational affiliations, or other unique circumstances, makes his/her membership appropriate for the good of the organization. Retired Public Safety members will also fall under the Associate Membership. Such individuals may be approved for membership by the Board based upon a specific purpose, case, or situation at hand. Individuals approved for membership under the provisions of this section shall not have the right to vote or hold office.

Career Change Member – applicants must prove by documentation and validation to the Executive Secretary they are currently in a career position not associated with the processing of video or audio evidence or associated with the sales, marketing and development of video or audio forensic applications. 

Student and/or Career Change Member – For purposes of this section, A Student and/or Career Change Member shall be:

  1. Any full time college student at an accredited college with a major in a forensic science related field or law enforcement.
    1. To be considered as an applicant, a person must be a full-time student taking 12 or more semester hours/cred its or the equivalent in quarter hours/credits for undergraduate study and at least 9 semester hours/credits or the equivalent in quarter hours/credit for graduate study.
    2. Applicants must include a letter or transcript from their education institution stating the number of credits currently being taken. The words “full-time student” will not suffice
  2. Membership in this category will allow members to attend LEVA course under the Education rate.

Associate members, who are considered to be ‘in good standing’ with LEVA, shall receive the same benefits as Public Safety members, but may be limited to particip ation of any unrestricted organizational activities. ‘In good standing’ shall be defined as having applicable membership fees paid and membership status up to date.

Public Safety Organization

Public Safety Organization Membership includes a total of three (3) members from the same agency; you (Group Admin) and two others from your agency. $150

PLEASE NOTE: Agencies with more than 4 members to renew need to contact LEVA Executive Secretary Susan Krawczyk


1) Any federal, state, provincial, regional, or local government agency, or criminal justice entity that:

a) provides law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety services; or,

b) provides training to law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety personnel; and utilizes the video medium and/or technology to promote public safety ideas.

2) Any active duty unit of a recognized military agency which utilizes the video medium and/or technology in the performance of their duties..

3) Any federal, state, provincial, regional, or local government agency, or criminal justice entity that is an oversight or regulatory agency establishing law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, or other public safety personnel training standards. Any Public Safety Organization agency shall be allowed to designate three (3) employee representatives as members for said organizational membership. Public Safety Organization representatives so designated for membership shall meet all conditions for membership as outlined in the Public Safety Member class. Public Safety Organization representatives may be exchanged between agency representatives at any time by notifying LEVA as long as the status of the employee and agency remain ‘in good standing’ with LEVA. Representatives for a Public Safety Organizational membership shall have full membership rights as set forth for Public Safety Members. Additional Public Safety Organization representative memberships may be obtained for a membership fee as determined by the Board of Directors. ‘In good standing’ shall be defined as having applicable membership fees paid and membership status up to date.

The person completing this application becomes Group Administrator. Once their application is approved, they will be taken to a page to Manage Group Members, where they can add two other members.