Code of Ethics

Forensic video analysis is a science that can have a significant impact on the investigative process.  It provides the ability to discover and determine the truth. 

In recognition of the need to uphold the integrity of the discipline and the ideals of LEVA, members shall agree to abide by this Code of Ethics. 

LEVA members shall: 

  1. Consistently maintain a high level of professional competence.  This includes the need to undertake appropriate ongoing training, related studies and literature review to remain current in the field of forensic video analysis. 
  2. Avoid conflicts of interest where such actual or apparent conflicts of interest arise. Members must disclose such conflicts to the affected parties as soon as possible. 
  3. Report misconduct on the part of another member, upon its discovery, to appropriate authorities, including the Executive Director. 
  4. Avoid misrepresentation of the organization or one’s own role within it. 
  5. Remain objective and impartial when conducting forensic video analysis and strive to produce high quality reports. 
  6. Seek and provide peer review, offer and accept constructive criticism of the work reviewed and, where appropriate, acknowledge and correct legitimate errors, and properly credit the contributions of others. 
  7. Strive to promote the understanding and value of forensic video analysis technology. 
  8. Maintain the confidentiality of evidence received and work undertaken in accordance with any such request by the submitting agency.  

LEVA holds its certification program and the integrity of the organization to the highest standards possible. I understand that any breach of this Code of Ethics or LEVA’s Bylaws may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to private or public censure, revocation of my certification as a forensic video Technician or Analyst and/or revocation of my membership in LEVA.  I understand that information pertaining to my membership status, certification status and/or disciplinary actions are published by LEVA for use by its members and corporate sponsors.  I consent to the publication by LEVA of any disciplinary action taken against me.  I understand that, after decertification or revocation, I may also be banned from future re-certification by LEVA and/or membership in LEVA.  (10/26/24)